
To purchase a custom made product (either in-the-ear hearing aids or custom hearing protection), you will need to have impressions (or casts) taken of your ears. Impressions are taken by Vicky or Madeleine, our audiologists, and provide information on the exact size and shape of your ears to the manufacturers so they can accurately produce the product you require.

Prior to impression taking, the audiologist will look in your ears to check they are healthy and free of wax. Then an otostop, a small stopper, will be inserted part of the way down your ear canal. This is to protect your ear drum.

The impression material is a soft putty that when mixed, will harden gradually. After mixing, the putty is squeezed into your ears and left to harden. After 3 minutes, when it is hardened, the impressions will be removed from your ears and your ears will once again be examined. We can scan your impressions using our 3D scanner and send your impression file to any manufacturer you like!

To book an appointment for impressions to be taken, please contact us on 01539 234180, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or online booking. On occasion, if excess dry wax is present, a further appointment for wax removal and impression taking may be required, this will be discussed at the time.

We are the experts and are here to help you. If you have a query or specific requirement, chat to us, we’ll be happy to help.

An accurate assessment of your hearing will enable us to find the best solution to your individual needs.

Call 01539 234180 today to discuss how we can meet your hearing needs.

Health Professions Council British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists

Registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC)
member of the British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists (BSHAA)
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) member

Celebrating 30 years as an audiologist - Vicky KirkwoodHelping the community hear since 2002