Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus is the name given to any buzzing, ringing or whooshing noise that is heard where there is no outside source for the noise. Many people experience tinnitus occasionally throughout their lives but for 13% of the population the tinnitus is persistent. Many people can continue their lives as normal, however for a small number of people tinnitus can severely affect them. If you have tinnitus that is affecting your quality of life, please get in touch so we can help.

Tinnitus may be caused by a hearing loss, often when this is corrected with hearing aids, people find there is a dramatic reduction in their tinnitus.

At Lakeland Hearing we can work with you to find the best solution to your hearing needs.

Tinnitus can be heard after exposure to very loud noises, this is an early warning and in these circumstances we would always recommend using hearing protection. For custom made hearing protection, please get in touch.

Tinnitus can occur following whiplash or other head or neck injury and it can also arise during a time of stress or after a traumatic experience.

We will work together to ensure your ears and hearing system are healthy. Then together we will discuss information and management strategies so you can confidently manage any spikes in your tinnitus in the future.

If you need more indepth tinnitus management, Madeleine can guide you through a series of three appointments focusing on lifestyle, relaxation and sleep issues we will begin to challenge those negative thoughts and emotions relating to your tinnitus so you can feel fully equipped to deal with whatever life throws at you.

If you experience a sudden onset of tinnitus or you experience tinnitus in one ear only, please make an appointment to discuss this with your GP who can investigate this further.

Further Information

The following websites can provide you with a lot of useful information however if you would like to chat to us about your tinnitus and see what we can do to help, please do get in touch with us.

www.tinnitus.org.uk | actiononhearingloss.org.uk

See our news article – Do’s and don’ts of living with tinnitus