Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common question we get asked as audiologists?

Usually, “Pardon?”

All joking aside, the ear and hearing system are incredibly complex, there is a myriad things that can go wrong. The solution to the problem needs to be a bespoke, patient-centred approach as every client is different. This can results in a lot of questions!

If I had to narrow it down to the 3 most common questions, then I would probably say the following:

Q) I can hear, just not clearly – do I have a hearing loss?

A) One of the symptoms of a high frequency or age related hearing loss is a lack of clarity when listening to speech. Good quality, well programmed hearing aids can help restore the clarity to speech.

Q) Why do my ears block up?

A) Ear wax is a protective secretion produced by modified sweat glands in your ear. A small amount of wax is normal and healthy. When the wax blocks up your ear canal, however, it can cause issues with your hearing.

Q) Why should I wear a hearing aid?

A) If you have a hearing loss which has been identified in a hearing assessment it is recommended that you wear a hearing aid to correct the hearing loss. If you do not correct a hearing loss with a hearing aid, it can lead to tiredness, social isolation, poor communication, poor short term memory and it has even been linked to an increase in risk of dementia.

We have created a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page on the website so if you have any other questions, please have a look and make use of the search function at the top of the page to help.

We have also created a new jargon busting ‘Glossary’ with the help of BSHAA (British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists) to provide some definitions to acronyms and technical terminology that you may come across during your hearing journey with us. We try to explain everything to you in terms you will understand but we appreciate there can be a lot to take in at an appointment. Please feel free to refer to the glossary if there is something you don’t understand or just ask us to explain it at your appointment.

We want you to stay at the centre of your care and for you to take control of your hearing loss.