Happy New Year 2022

Welcome back and Hello to 2022! Vicky, Sarah and Madeleine took a well earned break between Christmas and New Year and are now back with batteries recharged and their ever flowing enthusiasm for a new year at Lakeland Hearing. We hope you all had a lovely festive period and we look forward to seeing […]
Christmas Greetings 2021

Christmas Greetings 2021 Vicky and her team would like to wish a Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful clients! As we reflect on this year, it has highlighted to us, as hearing care specialists, how vital communication is for good health and wellbeing. The limited social exposure due to the pandemic has been compounded for […]

WIDEX MOMENT™ CIC The Widex Moment CIC is a discrete hearing aid that sits in your ear rather than behind it. This is the only Completely In the Canal (CIC) hearing aid available to us from any manufacturer, that contains the most up to date processing platform. Widex have pulled their new Moment platform across […]
The Only Rechargeable Custom Made Hearing Aid on the Market

The Only Rechargeable Custom Made Hearing Aid on the Market Starkey have created a world first and we at Lakeland Hearing are excited to be able to bring this technology to you; a rechargeable hearing aid that sits fully in your ear. All the manufacturers that we currently use at Lakeland Hearing offer a rechargeable […]
Face Coverings and Hearing Loss

Face Coverings and Hearing Loss Tips for wearing a face covering if you use hearing aids or a cochlear implant Face coverings that tie around your head rather than loop over your ears will help keep your aids secure. If your mask has loops, try a mask extender which you use to link the straps […]
Coronavirus and Hearing Loss

Coronavirus and Hearing Loss 2020 has been a vastly different year for most of us, Covid-19 has changed pretty much every aspect of our lives. As these changes filter through, we take stock on the impact for people with hearing loss. 1 in 6 adults in the UK are affected by some level of hearing […]
5 tips for looking after your hearing
5 tips for looking after your hearing Hearing is delicate and susceptible to irreparable damage, even from everyday activities and environments that you might not consider to be a threat. The theme of Deaf Awareness Week 2020 is ‘acquired hearing loss’, so we are sharing some simple things you can do to protect your hearing […]
Clean Your Oticon Hearing Aid

Clean Your Oticon Hearing Aid Wear gloves when cleaning hearing aids If you have behind-the-ear hearing aids, clean the hearing aid surface with wet wipes that don’t contain alcohol. This is because they are coated with a hydrophobic coating that is sensitive to alcohol For in-the-ear hearing aids, all kinds of wet wipes can be […]
Phonak Hearing Aid Checks
Phonak Hearing Aid Checks Here are a few checks you can do yourself to keep your hearing aid working optimally: First, try changing your battery for a new one or charging your hearing aids if they are rechargeable. Next, check that there are no blockages to the sound outlet: If you wear a RIC (receiver […]
Coronavirus – Public Information

Coronavirus (Covid-19) To all our clients, In light of the rapidly developing situation regarding the Covid-19 virus pandemic, we have taken the decision here at Lakeland Hearing to postpone all our routine clinics for the foreseeable future. This decision has not been taken lightly, however, but we put the well-being of our clients above everything […]