Do’s and don’ts of getting rid of earwax

Ear Health and Wax Removal

Do’s and don’ts of getting rid of earwax Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a gray, orange or yellow material made in the ear canal. It cleans and protects the ears from bacteria, dust, foreign particles, and microorganisms. In normal conditions, wax works its way out of the canal and into the ear opening naturally. […]

Ear Health and Wax Removal

Ear Health and Wax Removal

Ear Health and Wax Removal As a busy Audiologist with over 26 years’ experience and running Lakeland Hearing a private hearing clinic, I have seen a lot of ears and a lot of ear wax. One of the most common questions asked is “How can I get rid of wax?”. Well, a healthy ear does […]